Sikanderpur Watershed & Restoration of the Forest

In Collaboration with GMDA and Surge


Sikanderpur Watershed & Restoration of the Forest
is spread over 80 acres, stretched up to the Gurgaon-Faridabad road. Sikanderpur is a historical village on Delhi-Gurgaon border, next to which is a large pond, created by blockage of a seasonal stream that originated in the hills behind the residential colony. In its current form, the pond is a cesspool of sewage and waste water it receives from the Sikanderpur village, and neighbouring office complexes. It was covered by water hyacinths and has been encroached on several sides by migrant labourers who have settled in the area.

The objective of the project is to develop the Sikanderpur pond and watershed into a wetland and biodiversity hotspot, with clean water and forestation to create a green lung for Gurgaon while providing a public space in a natural environment for leisure and community activities.

The restoration of the forest belt was started in July 2019 with planting of around 14000 saplings. The physical cleaning of the pond and the adjoining area work is in progress. This project is in collaboration with GMDA and Surge, along with some of the corporates based in Gurgaon. It should be completed in a couple of years.

Map showing the location of the pond, bound on the western side by Sikanderpur village, the northern side by the Global Business Park and the southern side by Silver Oaks. The watershed extends to the east up to the main road

Doers & Believers