Where Does It Go

“The plethora of new inventions over the past few decades, combined with unlimited human wants, has resulted in creation of unmanageable waste across the earth. We have been creating permanent junk, such as plastic, on this planet for years; yet, the majority of us are not aware of the problems related to waste management or are not motivated to regulate the amount of waste we generate.“                                                                                                                   -Arunkumar HG


Waste is a huge problem! It poisons everything  our air, our water and the soil. We buy, we use, we throw! How often do we think  where does it go? What is our role in change? We send 220 trucks of garbage out every day and our landfill in Bhandwari is overflowing! “Where does it go?” is an initiative by iamgurgaon with the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram in partnership with Artpilgrim Live, with the focus of building more awareness around the mounting problem of waste and how it impacts us through the medium of art. 


Art is an effective medium to create awareness and has the potential to change mindsets. Well-known artist Arunkumar HG led a team of twelve local artists to build a series of immersive installations out of waste that was collected through a waste segregation and collection drive in residential complexes and schools for nearly a month. The artists felt it was important for us to visualize, through these installations, the amount of waste we generate. We hope the looming structure consistently makes us question ourselves  Are we creating cities of waste?

The pieces of art not only proved to be a powerful medium to create awareness but also brought the city together. Where does it go? is another great example of a partnership between government, civil society and corporates to bring attention to a problem. Boston Scientific sponsored the program, while SAAF, NAMO and Artpilgrim Live came together to make the initiative a success. When there are problems, we need solutions. 

While the installations built greater awareness and a desire to change – we also needed to create a space that provided the essential information to take those critical steps towards a more sustainable way to live. Samaadhaan Hub was that solution!

Samaadhaan Hub

We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change, and the last generation who can do something about it.” – Barack Obama 

For those looking at making sustainable and responsible choices, Samaadhaan Hub offers multiple platforms to empower us. 

  • An information area where people observe and learn about waste and steps they can adopt. The exhibition area includes a solutions wall and a simple waste segregation installation, which visually show us the Role We Can Play at an individual level. The solutions wall provides information on companies that residents can reach out to.
  • An Upaaygiri space to organise fortnightly workshops and show concerned citizens how we can make small, simple changes in our lives towards sustainable living. These interactive workshops have been designed to focus on segregation and management of different streams of waste.
  • A recycle corner to drop off your segregated Plastics , Paper & E -Waste for recycling.  
  • An interactive zone for residents to have fun through specially hosted events by iamgurgaon and MCG. The events have one common theme – Sustainability. 

Samaadhaan Hub  hosts a regular “Sustainable living Market”. iamgurgaon strongly believes that a little effort from each of us will go a long way in reducing air, water and soil pollution. It is our collective opportunity to involve the entire city and attempt to carve out an identity as a future zero waste Millennium CITY. 


Doers & Believers